Want to Buy & Sell Items in Your Neighborhood? HipSwap has an App for That
A friend of mine turned me on to a very cool app that makes local buying and selling enjoyable. It’s created by Santa Monica-based HipSwap, and I must say I am quite impressed!
HipSwap makes it fast and easy to post and find items to buy and sell in your community with friends, neighbors and local merchants. And you can use HipSwap on iPhones and the web, with Android coming soon.
HipSwap GPS locates any posted item, so when you open up the app, you can instantly view what’s for sale nearby. And posting items is a snap. All you have to do is take a photo or video, price it, title it, and post it. Within seconds, you’re selling your stuff.
HipSwap co-founder Rob Kramer says that the initial response from buyers and sellers throughout Los Angeles has been fantastic. “We’re still in Beta and we’re signing up one new user every few minutes. Users have told us how easy it is to find items for sale in their local neighborhood. Individuals and merchants have adapted to HipSwap very quickly. We’re very encouraged as we roll out the app more widely in Los Angeles in December, and across the country in the months ahead.”
We’re excited to see locals engage in this new form of community-based mobile commerce. And we look forward to using the HipSwap app as we get ready for the holidays. Check it out!
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How cool is that! I wonder if there is something like that in our area? I’m off to investigate! Thanks for the tip–this beats the heck out of Craigslist!
I think that is their aim, and also eBay.