Brentwood Real Estate Market Report, 1st Quarter 2012

Let’s compare the Brentwood real estate market in the 1st Quarter of 2012 as compared with the same period in 2011.

Brentwood Single Family Homes

Number Sold:  43, a 30.30% increase over the same period in 2011.

Median Price:  $1,800,000, a 27.21% increase over the same period in 2011.

There are 100 active listings.  With a average of 14.33 homes selling a month this means that it will take 6.98 months to sell the existing inventory.  A balanced market is 6 months of inventory.  So the Brentwood single family home market is edging towards a sellers’ market.  But just.

Brentwood Condos

Number Sold:  29, a 3.57% increase over the same period last year.

Median Price:  $543,000, a 2.95% decrease of the same period last year.

There are 40 active condos on the market.  With an average of 9.67 sold per month this means that it will take 4.14 months to sell the existing inventory.  The Brentwood condo market is definitely favoring sellers.

Brentwood Homes for Sale